How much money is needed to travel?

Trust me, I’ve been there. When it comes to money, knowing how much a trip cost is the number one question that nags all travelers. That’s why today I’m sending you a free resource that I’d probably be lost without:

An easy 15 minute guide to find out the general cost for a trip.

We’ve updated it with some new tips that will elevate your travel game to the next level!

It’s going to help you do 4 things:

  • [NEW] Give you the inside scoop on Expedia and how to get the prices with them.
  • [NEW] Show you how to avoid common issues when booking with Expedia.
  • [NEW] Special link to Expedia providing up to 40% off on hotels and flights.
  • Give you the freedom to dream about where you want to go, and what you want to do when you get there.
  • Guide you to discovering a rough estimate of how much money you need to gather to make that dream come true. (Think “window shopping for travel”)
  • Let you know if a particular travel dream is within your current means.

I hope this helps! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

– JaQuay

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