As your departure date approaches, ensuring your safety and staying connected during your Punta Cana vacation is paramount. Here are essential health, safety, and communication tips to keep in mind:

Health & Safety

Check Latest Travel Health Requirements: Visit to stay updated on health advisories and requirements specific to your destination. This includes any vaccination recommendations or requirements, and COVID-19 related guidelines.

Emergency Contacts

24-Hour Travel Assistance: Please add our 24-hour travel assistance number to your phone now. This number is critical for any urgent support you might need while abroad, and is located towards the beginning of your travel documents that was sent after your final payment. (It has no amounts on it).

Communication Enhancements

Contact Your Cell Phone Provider: Upgrade your plan temporarily to include international data and calls. This ensures you stay connected smoothly without unexpected charges.

Install WhatsApp: Most tour operators and local contacts use WhatsApp globally for free communication. Download and set it up on your phone, and add your emergency contacts as well as loved ones. This will allow you to communicate for free over WiFi or data.

Prepare Your Contacts: Before departure, make sure all your important contacts are also on WhatsApp. This makes it easier to reach them without incurring charges should you need to communicate while abroad.

Taking these steps will help ensure that you have a stress-free and enjoyable experience in Punta Cana. Safe travels and we look forward to hearing about your adventures!